Summer dog: dog and heat - activities and dangers

Hunde im Sommer: Gefahren und Aktivitäten

Hunde im Sommer: Gefahren und Aktivitäten

Summer is here, and it's the perfect time to spend time outdoors with your beloved four-legged friend. But while sunny days promise fun and adventure, it's important to be aware of the heat and properly protect your dog. In this article, you'll learn how to enjoy summer to the fullest with your dog without putting your furry friend's health at risk.

The best summer activities to do with your dog

1. early morning or late evening walks: the coolest hours of the day are early morning and late evening. Use these times to take relaxing walks with your dog without being exposed to the intense midday heat. Don't forget to bring water for both of you.

2. splashing in the water: nothing refreshes like water! A trip to a lake, river or the ocean can be a fantastic experience for your dog. Keep in mind, however, that not all dogs are naturally good swimmers, so supervision is important. A dog pool or dog mat can be used in the backyard to cool off.

3. search and retrieve games in the shade: Your dog loves to play, and this is a great way to develop his mental skills. Games like hide and seek or fetch in the shade are great for strengthening your bond and keeping your dog's mind busy.

Dog in summer - dangers in hot temperatures

1. overheating: dogs can easily overheat, especially if they run around a lot. Watch for signs of overheating such as heavy panting, shivering or staggering. Cool your dog down slowly, give him water and seek shade.

2. Heat Stroke: Heat stroke is serious and can be life threatening. Make sure your dog is never left in a hot car, even for a short time. Keep your dog well hydrated and seek immediate veterinary attention if you notice signs of heat stroke.

3. Hot surfaces: Asphalt and sidewalks can heat up considerably in high temperatures and burn your dog's paws. Before you go for a walk, check to see if the ground is too hot. Better yet, choose paths in the shade or on grassy areas.

To protect your dog on hot days

1. Have enough water: make sure there is always fresh water available for your dog. If you're out and about, take a bottle of water and a drinking bowl for your dog.

2. Shade: Your dog needs a shady retreat, especially during the hottest hours of the day. An umbrella or shady tree can provide shelter for your dog.

3. cooling: use cooling products such as a special dog cooling mat to keep your dog cool.

4. safety first - stay home if necessary: on particularly hot days, when temperatures are unbearably high, it is better to stay home and give your dog a rest. No dog has ever died due to a missed walk, but heat can be very dangerous. Watch the weather forecast and choose cooler times of day for outdoor activities, or play inside to protect your dog from excessive heat.

Watch out: this is how much high temperatures can hurt your dog

In general, high temperatures, especially heat and high humidity, can be dangerous for dogs. From about 30 degrees Celsius, heat stress can increase noticeably for dogs, especially if they don't have enough access to cool water and shade. At higher temperatures, as low as 23 degrees, walks should be avoided, shortened or moved to the coolest times of day (early morning or late evening). Dogs have a limited ability to regulate their body temperature, releasing heat mainly by panting and sweating through their paws.

Symptoms of overheating in dogs:

Overheating can lead to heat stroke, which can be life-threatening. The signs of heat stroke may include heavy panting, trembling, staggering, vomiting, diarrhea, and increased heart rate. When such symptoms occur, immediate action is required to cool the dog and seek veterinary attention. Every minute can count when overheating occurs!

It's important to consider your dog's individual needs and watch for warning signs. Breed, health status and fitness all play a role. Be especially careful with brachycephalic breeds (short-nosed breeds like bulldogs, pugs, etc.), older dogs, dogs that are overweight or have health problems, as they may be more susceptible to heat. Always use common sense and plan outdoor walks and activities to ensure your dog's health.

Your dog's health and well-being always come first. By following our tips and paying attention to the warning signs, you can ensure that you and your dog enjoy a fantastic summer together without being exposed to the risks of the heat.

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